[vc_row][vc_column][charitus_section_title title_align=”left” title_first_part=”Avinashi Sewa Puraskar”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]With a huge population of more than 1,355 million, our country is the biggest democracy in the world. After independence the country has taken giant strides towards progress in various fields. Though in the eyes of the whole world we are a rapidly developing country, yet there is a darker side, which underlines the facts. And these facts expose the areas where the country is lacking behind or expecting more growth. Education, women empowerment, basic sanitation, poverty are some areas and many more are still there, where the progress is highly expected. This inadequacy ultimately results in giving the worst lifestyle to some of our country brothers as well as pushing some of them in the quagmire of crime. 

But there are some rich souls, who by devoting their life for regeneration of the society, sets the paradigm! These people work hard for the betterment of the society on their own with absolute altruistically. As these people or organisations pay their venerations only towards their work, they never appeal for popularity and profit in terms of money, neither expect it by any means. 

But their work speaks loudly rather than these individuals or organisations. And for the healthy society, to encourage them and spread their work by making their work known to all, is the utmost necessity. Therefore Keshav  Smruti Pratishthan has taken the initiative. Every year Pratishthan searches for such hidden heroes, organisations and  reveals their work by facilitating them with the ‘Avinashi Sewa Puraskar’. The award is given to the personalities and organisations from all over the country, who contributed greatly to the development of deprived class.   

 ‘Avinashi Sewa Puraskar’ is named after late. Dr. Avinash Aacharya, the Founder Director of Keshav Smruti Sewa Sanstha Samuha. For the last 6 years various personalities and organisations have been honoured with this Award. And recently on the occasion of Republic day, 2020 the glorious prize giving ceremony for seventh ‘Avinashi Sewa Puraskar’ was conducted at Jalgaon. 

For individuals, Rs. 51,000 cash, certification of honour, shawl and quince (shreephal) is the configuration of the award, while for the organisations, it is Rs. 1,00,000 cash, certification of honour, shawl and quince (shreephal).

As this forum has given women the chance of expressing themselves in various ways, it is shaped in the form of competitions so that it can also be used as a powerful tool for women empowerment. [/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”3438,3439,3440,3441,3442,3443,3444,3445,3446,3447″ img_size=”700X464″ autoplay=”yes” el_class=”award-slider”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_wp_custommenu title=”Our Projects” nav_menu=”20″ el_class=”custom-sidebar-menu”][vc_wp_custommenu title=”Our Activities” nav_menu=”21″ el_class=”custom-sidebar-menu”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]