Keshav Smruti Pratishthan is Jalgaon, Maharashtra based social Non- Governmental Organization, which aims to help each and every needed person in society to make their life recreative and bring them in a main flow of the society. It is registered under societies registration act 1860. 

Pratishthan works in diversified sectors like educational, social and medical. Projects like old age home, Samtol (a project for runaway children), child line, Seva vasti  (a project for upliftment of slum area people), blood bank, eye bank are runned under these sectors. With its extended arms of these various organisations along with numerous community development projects, Pratishthan has reached to the grassroot levels and with dedicated efforts has turned around the lives of privileged people . 

Late. Dr. Avinash Aacharya, was the founder Director of Keshav Smruti Pratishthan.‘‘Philanthropic organization’ is the only medium which can accelerate the process of positive social change’ was the strong belief of this great visionary personality. Thereby this venerable personality broke new ground in social sector in the form of Jalgaon Janata Sahakari Bank in 1991. It was the first Scheduled bank in the periphery of Khandesh.

After that Pratishthan never looked back and with appropriate studies slought out several ways in forms of projects to help poor and needy people in the society. With the great pleasure and utmost modesty Pratishthan wants to announce that all these projects have proven themselves beneficial for the deprived sector and helped them to step forward for a better life.

Keshav Smruti Pratishthan is Jalgaon, Maharashtra based social Non- Governmental Organization, which aims to help each and every needed person in society to make their life recreative and bring them in a main flow of the society.

Creation of an all-inclusive civil society promoting the total wellbeing of citizens.

Promote social entrepreneurship and volunteerism

Respond to the arising economical, educational, health and socio- cultural needs of society by undertaking projects at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.

Participate in nation building activities by creating role model services and collaborating with like-minded persons, organizations, and governments which can become a social movement.

It is registered under societies registration act 1860.

Pratisthan works in diversified sectors like educational, social, and medical. Projects like old age home, Samtol (a project for runaway children), childline, Seva vasti  (a project for the upliftment of slum area people), blood bank, eye bank are run under these sectors. With its extended arms of these various organizations along with numerous community development projects, Pratishthan has reached the grassroots levels and with dedicated efforts has turned around the lives of privileged people.

Late. Dr. Avinash Aacharya was the founder Director of Keshav Smruti Pratishthan.‘‘The philanthropic organization’ is the only medium which can accelerate the process of positive social change’ was the strong belief of this great visionary personality. Thereby this venerable personality broke new ground in the social sector in the form of Jalgaon Janata Sahakari Bank in 1991. It was the first Scheduled bank in the periphery of Khandesh.

After that Pratishthan never looked back and with appropriate studies slought out several ways in forms of projects to help poor and needy people in the society. With the great pleasure and utmost modesty, Pratishthan wants to announce that all these projects have proven themselves beneficial for the deprived sector and helped them to step forward for a better life.


273, Navi Peth, Jaikisan Wadi, Jalgaon, Maharashtra 425001


0257 2236166 & 2236169